World Sketchnote Day 2016: Monday, January 11, 2016
IT'S A NEW TRADITION! Every year on January, 11th, starting in 2016, we'll celebrate World Sketchnote Day!

For 24 hours on January 11th of each year (starting in 2016), sketchnoters and sketchnote enthusiasts across the world will celebrate the technique that disrupted note-taking and visual communications!
2016 Official Hashtag: #SNDay2016
What is World Sketchnote Day?
In 2007, I coined the term "sketchnote" and over the years it has been adopted by a huge number of people around the world.
I and Mauro Toselli at Sketchnote Army want to gather our friendly and welcoming community of sketchnoters to share our love for sketchnotes and to express our sketchnote-nerdyness.
World Sketchnote Day IS for everyone, from beginners to experts, and enthusiasts to professionals. If you can create marks on paper, you are welcome to join us!
How to celebrate
Share the Love! Let your Friends know about World Sketchnote Day.

Celebrate by sketchnoting something and sharing it with #SNDay2016
The simplest way: jump in the challenge and create one or more sketchnotes working on these themes:
"Sketchnotes are..."
"Sketchnotes changed my life because... "
"I wish I could create a sketchnote for... "
Don't forget to share your work with the #SNDay2016 hashtag!
Grab some post-its, a marker and decorate your office, the bus, the train, the subway while commuting, the gym — everywhere with mini-sketchnotes, then share photos with the world
Hang a large piece of paper somewhere and start a visual conversation with work colleagues or even strangers
Gift yourself or a friend a new pen/pencil/marker
Gift yourself or a friend a new notebook
Build a hand bound notebook and draw a gorgeous cover on it
Create a small sketchnoted coloring book for your own kids, nephews or little friends
Don't forget to share with #SNDay2016 hashtag to let us know!
We're celebrating by giving away prizes!
Sign up and tell us how you celebrate for a chance to win one of the prizes offered by our Awesome Sponsors! It's easy: just fill the entry form on the World Sketchnote Day page.
Join the Ask-a-Pro conversations with our Supporters all day long!
Make the most out of the World Sketchnote Day by asking real sketchnote professionals for suggestions, tips, and tricks. See the Awesome Supporters to know how to get in touch with the "Pro"!
Join us for World Sketchnote Day and let's have some fun!