Rohdesign Dispatch: Fall 2023
An old church in Leiden, The Netherlands where I relaxed with a beer and a friend this summer.
Autumn is here! This is my favorite time of year in Wisconsin, with leaves falling and crisp temperatures. Now I can wear my favorite hoodies and sweaters! If you’re down under, happy Summer!
What’s in this issue?
The Sketchnote Live Workshop Set is now available for $50. This includes all 3 of my in-depth workshops: lettering. layout, and icons, in one nice set! That’s 6 hours of teaching!
Sketchnote Army Podcast season 14 is now underway with episodes released weekly on Tuesdays. Next Tuesday, hear from Jono Hey of Sketchplanations!
I enjoyed providing the opening keynote at the International Sketchnote Camp (ISC23NL) in Leiden, Netherlands in late August and early September. Check out my photos.
Now, here are 5 cool things to check out:
— Mike Rohde
5 Cool Things
❥ 1. Emily Mills European Travel Sketchnote Book Video
My friend and fellow sketchnoter Emily Mills created a cool video walking through her experience of creating a sketchnote journal from her European tour this year, including tools and insights (26 minutes).
❥ 2. How I remember everything I learn: Sketchnotes Video
Great video from Eugene Tang on how sketchnotes changed how he absorbs and remembers information visually (4 minutes).
❥ 3. Visual Frameworks by Dave Gray
Visual frameworks are pictorial mental models that can help you clarify your thoughts, collected in one conveient location by Dave Gray.
❥ 4. Sketchnotes on the Fly
Brooke Morales shares the 5 most important things she thinks about when she creates sketchnotes on the fly. Beautiful nature imagery!
❥ 5. collection of sketchnoting tools is a great resource for sketchnoting tools and on this one page they have collected all of the tools in one conveneint location.
Sketchnote Live Workshop Set: Lettering, Layout, and Icons together for $50 at
If you missed any of my Sketchnote Live Workshops since 2020, now you can buy all 3 workshop videos for just $50.
Save compared to purchasing each video separately, or complete your set if you’ve already purchased one of the workshops:
The 3 workshop recordings also include all PDF reference sheets and templates. That’s 6 hours of teaching for just $50. Buy your set today.
Sketchnote Army Podcast Season 14 now underway. Listen in!
Sketchnote Army Podcast Season 14 has just begun with interviews including Dr. Bryan Vartabedian and Ingrid Lill. This Tuesday listen to Jono Hey of Sketchplanations. Listen now.
Keynoting the International Sketchnote Camp (ISC23NL)
Here’s me riding a Dutch bike around Leiden.
In late August and early September, I was honored to once again kick off an International Sketchnote Camp, this time in Leiden, the Netherlands. I had a great time at the event. You can see my photos on Instagram starting with this one.