Protect your creative process from the AI robots
If you’re considering using AI robots to replace parts of your creative process, think carefully before adding them into the mix.
Your creative process and the work you do are attractive to humans because they capture your creative essence. When you replace the creative parts of your process with robots, the things we love about you and your creative work are lost.
If you explore adding robots to your process, you’d better map that process inside and out in detail. Be sure to pick the right parts that aren’t your creative essence to robotize.
Test the robot’s work thoroughly before you switch to robot parts in your process. Robots hallucinate facts that don’t exist and think people have six fingers.
Be ready to switch back to your original process at any moment. AI and tech companies are notorious for increasing prices, changing features you depend on, and slurping up your work to train their robots while you’re off getting a coffee refill.
Your creative process is as much a part of the creative work as the final thing you produce, whatever that may be.
When you farm out the wrong parts of your process to a robot, you lose the sense of how you arrived at a creative solution, and worse, you lose the hard-earned creative muscle you’ve built up all these years.
Creative work is hard work. But the hardness of the work and the process of solving the problem are the rewards as much as whatever it is you produce.
Do you really want to give that away to a robot?
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