My Little Commonplace Book

I've had the itch lately to capture ideas, quotes, images and other tidbits in something dedicated to the task. I had a little book years ago for this purpose, and just found it again.
I've revived my Leuchtturm1917 pocket-sized commonplace book by adding a few new quotes and drawings to it.
I'm making an effort to add more artwork and capture whole chunks of text or images I want to keep. Most of all I want to stop being so precious about what I put in that little book. Having to be perfect didn't work before, so it's time to loosen up.
Years ago I'd pressured myself to make every quote perfectly fit into book, with beautiful, error-free lettering. That mindset killed its usefulness, and it got lost on my bookshelf.
Now I have started scribbling, playing, and using this thing, so it can have value, imperfections and all.
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