30-Day Sketchnote Challenge Book Update
I have unfortunate news. The book I announced about a month ago, The 30-Day Sketchnote Challenge, will not be published with Peachpit Press.

Here’s what happened
Pearson, the parent company of Peachpit who published my books, is laying off 10% of its global workforce.
Most of my book team at Peachpit were among the unlucky ones, including my fantastic editor Nikki McDonald.
Nikki has guided me in creating two bestselling books with Peachpit: The Sketchnote Handbook, and The Sketchnote Workbook (both still for sale).
I was shocked.
I’m very grateful to Peachpit for the books we’ve created together, but after hearing the news, I requested a release from my book contract. It didn’t make sense to create this new book without the help of my full team.
(Pearson informed me this week that they’re cancelling the book contract.)
Peachpit will not be publishing The 30-Day Sketchnote Challenge, but that’s not the end of this book idea.
What’s next?
I’m still considering my options. I might crowdfund The 30-Day Sketchnote Challenge as a printed book, an online course, or a daily email course. I still believe a 30-day guided course on sketchnoting is a great idea.
However, I also know that writing, illustrating, and designing books is demanding, time-consuming work. It’s hard on me and my family. I’ve decided to take a little time before making a decision.
While I’m figuring out which direction to take with the book, I plan to experiment with 30-day ideas, testing them with a small team.
I will also restart my twice-monthly newsletter, The Rohdesign Dispatch, featuring links on visual thinking, tools and ideas. Sign up here for free.
Why I love to teach sketchnoting
This sudden shift in direction got me thinking about why I love sketchnoting. Here’s what I’ve realized:
I write books, teach workshops, share ideas, and encourage others to sketchnote because I believe everyone is creative. I’m fulfilled when I help people discover and develop the creativity already inside them.
Considering my vision, a publisher offering or cancelling a book is really just an implementation detail.
Thank you
I appreciate your continued support. I wish my first book update offered better news. But I don’t view the cancellation of my book as an ending. I see it as merely a change in direction, possibly even a new beginning. The route may change, but the journey will always be about teaching, sharing, and encouraging creativity through sketchnoting.
I hope you’ll join me, wherever this next path may lead.
— Mike Rohde